Welcome to the RHS Class of 1967's website!
(Our mission is to provide a trip down memory lane, keep classmates
advised of
upcoming events, document our reunions, and share information that
may be of interest.)
75th Birthday Celebration Reminder
(Mark Your Cell Phone Calendars)
October 4-6, 2024
Ocean Grove, New Jersey

September 2023 Class Zoom Session
Great turnout for the September Zoom session!
Looking forward to our 75th birthday celebration nextt year!

August 12,2023 Class Gathering - Park Tavern
Back Row: Larry L; Bev J; Barry L; June K; Mike K; Mike
Front Row: Betsy K; Sue H; Pat T; Diane M; Muriel B; Nadine
Click on photo above to view additional event photos!

"The Boss" wasn't there, but the RHS Class of 1967 was "down the shore" and enjoyed their 55th class reunion October
7-10, 2022. Click on the Stone Pony to see event photos. Thank you to event organizers Larry Levine,
Sue Halm Gilbert, Muriel Bulkowski Corradno, Bill Gorden, Frani Rachles, and June Kress. "Yummy snacks" provided by Chris,
Sue, Pat T, Pat K, and Muriel! 75th birthday next?
Thank you to all our classmates who have over the years made the reunion events possible, especiallly to Lynn David
who took a well deserved break this time around, but has thas done a magnificent job taking the lead organzing class
reunions and gatherings for the last five decades!
April 2021 Class Zoom Session
Top Row: Lynn David; Bill Gordon; Nancy Lamberto: Susan Halm
Middle Row: Tony Kardashinetz; Carl Daiker; Chris Shaterian; Barry Levant
Bottom Row: June Kress; Mary Lynne Hollmann; Kim Sikoryak
Note: Jim Gebhardt was present, but left the session just before the screen shot was snapped. At first glance, I wasn't sure
whether I was looking at screen shot of my RHS classmates or a "mindfulness mediation" class. Someone say "smile" before
taking the next session's screen shot :-) Steve

The March 2020 Spring Luncheon at the Park Tavern has been canceled!
Watch here for news of a rescheduled gathering in the fall. Stay safe, friends!

The 70th Birthday Bash event was held at the Silver Birches in the Poconos October 12-14, 2019.
Fun was had by all!
Click on the photo of the lake to see the event photos. Thanks to Larry, Bill and John for the photos.

Click on Rutt's to see event photos |
Fall 2018 Rendezous
@ Rutt's Hut
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Click on the Rutt's Hut photo at the left to see event photos.

September 2017
Summerville, SC
Check out the "Classmate News" link at the left to see what's new with Bob Colucci... and while you're at it, drop us
an email letting your classmates know what's new in your corner of the world. Another grandchild (the first of
my three kids wasn't born until I was 40, and I'm still waiting for the first grandchild!), went on an African
safari, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, retired... or just want to say hello... please share!

RHS Class of 1967 50th Reunion
The 50th Reunion photos have been added to
the Reunions Album. Golfing and miscellaneous Invite site photos will be posted soon. Send any photos you'd like added to
Steve at sreenstra (at) optonline.net.
50th Reunion Class Photo
Reunions Album Contents


Who would have thought in
1967 that the day would come when we would be signing up for Medicare and Social Security?!?
Held October 10-12,
2014 in Spring Lakes, NJ (aka "down the shore") the Medicare / Social Security Party Photo Album has now been posted and can
be accessed clicking in the cake at the left!!!

The "Reunions Album" now includes new photos
documenting our March 2013 luncheon at the Park Tavern, East Rutherford!
What "classic" is pictured at the left? Click on the photo at the left to view the luncheon photos and answer.

The Gang |
45th Reunion
photos are here!
(Click on photo at left)

Diane, Kathy, Renee, June & Teresa |
"See You in September" 2010 Photos Posted!
The "Reunions Album" now includes new photo
pages documenting our September 2010 luncheon at the Park Tavern, East Rutherford! Click on the photo at the left to view the photos. Have photos to add? Steve's contact info is on
the "Contact Us" page.
We've added this feature to help Tom Brundage and others celebrate "Louie Louie Day" on April 11th,
writer Richard Berry's birthday. “Louie Louie” is such a cult favorite it is considered by some to be the
“party anthem of the universe”.
Listen to Louie Louie
Louie Louie History
Louie Louie Lyrics

Event Organizers Extraordinare, Bill and Lynn |
First 60th Birthday Bash
photos are posted!
Our class’ September 11 – 13, 2009 60th Birthday Bash
at the Jersey Shore was a blast! Special thanks to our event organizers, Lynn and Bill, and everyone who contributed to make the weekend
such a success! Click on photo at left to view the photos.

Diane, Vernest & Larry @ the 2008 Fall Luncheon |
Fall Gathering Photos Posted!
The "Reunions Album" now includes new photo pages documenting
our November 16th, 2008 luncheon at the Park
Tavern, East Rutherford! Click on the photo at the left to view the photos.

Nadine, Teresa & Sue @ the 2009 Spring Fling |
Spring Fling Photos Posted!
The "Reunions Album" now includes new photo pages documenting
our April 4th, 2009 Spring Fling luncheon at the New China Inn, Rutherford! Click on the photo at the left to view the photos.

"Over already?" - The Last to Leave |
March Luncheon Photos Posted!
The "Reunions Album" now includes new photo pages documenting
our March 8th, 2008 luncheon at the Park Tavern,
East Rutherford!

Doreen S. and Jimmy S. |
The "Our Misc. Photos" page has been added to provide
space for your own photos from our school days. So dig out that box labelled "RHS" in the attic & share
your photos for our friends' trip down memory lane. Our first group of photos come from Jimmy Stio and take us
back to our class' spaghetti dinner & senior class trip to Washington, DC.
Thanks, Jim!

Lincoln Park Cannon |
New Town Tour Pages!
Rutherford has undergone something of a metamorphasis. Many of those changes are documented in three tours on this
website including: "West Side (of town) Story," "The Park Avenue Tour," and the "Rutherford Schools Tour." Your tour
is just a click on the cannon to the left away. Enjoy!

Before your number comes up and you get drafted by the Board, "volunteer" your elementary school class photos
now! The race is on to fill our "Elementary Photos" page. Our current class photos score is Union
- 7; Washington - 5; Sylvan - 4; Lincoln - 2; & Pierrepont - 1. Where are those Pierrepont Alum?
Instructions for submitting your photos are on that page. Also, please help us fill in missing names on the
already posted photos! THANK YOU!
Click on Uncle Sam to visit our elementary school class photos page.
Before PCs, spell-check, and laser printers we had typewriters, "tired" ribbons, white-out(?), and mimeograph
machines. Those were the tools Gateway Editor, June Kress, and her staff had to publish the "Gateway"
when we graduated from the Junior High. Some of the faded pages have scanned better than others, but we've done our
best to preserve this piece of our school days memorabilia provided by Jimmy Stio. Viewing parts of the document at
higher monitor resolutions or greater than 100% may help. Click on the "PORTA" shield to the left to open or download
your copy.