EAST RUTHERFORD - On Saturday, March 8, 2008, members of our class and their guests gathered for a luncheon
at the Park Tavern. Classmates "found" in attendance at a post graduation event for the first time included Jill Kinning, Alison Smith
and Steve Reenstra. Everyone was treated to the premier of the RHS Class of 1967 Reunion DVD
prepared by Larry Levine. The DVD includes an animated tour of four reunions set to 1967's best music, the Reunion Directory,
music from 1967, and poetry of William Carlos Williams. Classmates who attended the reunion will be receiving their
copies of the DVD in the mail shortly.
Classmates were given a tour of the latest features of this website developed by Steve Reenstra in collaboration
with the Reunion Committee.
If you have addtional pictures you would like to contribute to this page, you can submit them using the same process
described at the bottom of the "Elementary Photos" page.

Steve R., Lynn "Stretch" D., & Bill F. |

Larry L. & Kathy P. |

Alison S., Barry & Susan L. |

Dan & Susan H. |

Don P., Kim, Teresa W. |

Dan H., Bill F, & Barry L. |

Don & Alison, Cheryl & John |

Susan B., Joan C,, Tom B. & Nancy |

The Last to Leave |

Susan B. & Joan C. |

Cheryl V. & Kathy P. |

Don P., Rose Marie & Frank O. |

Rose Marie & Frank O. |

Nadine W., Steve R. & Teresa G. |

Chris S. |

Don P., Roae Marie & Frank O., Teresa G., & Roger C. |