Rutherford High School Class of 1967

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Washington, DC!
1967 in 4 Minutes
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Got Wallets?
Alumni Walk
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Privacy Policy
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In the notes under my senior yearbook portrait is the one word question “Law?”  Good news… the answer is “No” and I subscribe in the KISS Principle… “Keep it Simple, Steve.”  So in plain English, here’s our website’s privacy policy.   


We respect people’s right to their privacy.  With an email from you, we will add to, delete, or change any reference to you on this website as you deem appropriate.  (Consider deletion of current information if you are in the witness protection program!)


Unlike many websites, we do not collect information documenting your visits or place “cookies” of the Girl Scout or any other type on your personal computer's harddrive (they attract insects and/or virus carrying vermin).  Under no circumstances will your image(s) and information be sold or given away by the website's administrators.  We Promise!  Our mission is simply to provide one path down memory lane, keep our classmates advised of upcoming events, document our reunions, and share information that may be of interest.


Many images on his website come from the 1967 edition of the Rutherfordian, our senior yearbook, which has ambiguous copyright status.  It is our understanding individuals pictured hold the copyright to their respective photos and thus these images should be considered protected and their use limited to this website.  Likewise, all other photos on this website are the property of the individuals pictured, protected and use limited to this website.


If you have any questions concerning your privacy on the Rutherford High School Class of 1967 website, please contact us. 


Website Inquiry Contacts


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