Rutherford High School Class of 1967

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Medicare/SS Party
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Washington, DC!
1967 in 4 Minutes
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No trip to Rutherford is complete without a stop for a couple Rutts rippers!

Rutts Hut
Rutts Hut
Rutts Ripper
Rutts Ripper
Xanadu Retail & Entertainment Complex
Xanadu Retail & Entertainment Complex
next to Giants Stadium

Leaving town, I got my first glance at Xanadu, planned to be the country's largest retail and entertainment complex.  Off to the right of Giants Stadium, this "revitalization" of the Meadowlands is one of the ugliest construction projects I've ever seen... and the almost 300 foot ferris wheel and its glowing 150 foot Pepsi sign hasn't even arrived yet.  Just what we need between Rutherford and the New York skyline!  Can the corridor along the northern section of the NJ Turnpike get any uglier?  Xanadu?  Xanadon't make it in my book.

Got Rutherford Photos? Share them with us... all will be returned to you. 

"West Side (of town) Story"

Park Avenue Tour

The Rutherford Schools Tour


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