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Sylvan School - Miss Amorelli's 5th Grade Class

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Miss Ameroli's 5th Grade Class
Sylvan photos submitted by Bill Ferraro and/or Janie Chalmers.

Top Row to Bottom:


1st Row:  Richard Mauer, JoAnne Kinghorn, Nancy DeBoer, Diane Maschio, Randy Bulger

2nd Row:  Bonnie Fleming, Kurk Leenig, Lorlei Schmeding, Bob Colucci, Jolie Cote, Bill Ferraro, Vernest Lange

3rd Row:  Tony Kardashinetz, Pat Arnold, Chris Shaterian, ?, Nash

4th Row:  ?, Mike Schmeding, Peggy Thayer, Michael Kalb, Linda Dugan, Al Scaramelli, Janie Chalmers

Row 5:  Jimmy Kinghorn, ?, ?, Mary Pat McHale

If you can help identify your classmates pictured above, please contact:
Steve Reenstra
Thank you!


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