Rutherford High School Class of 1967

Union School - Mrs. Matthew's 1st Grade Class

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Mrs. Matthew's 1st Grade Class
Photo submitted by Larry Levine

Top to bottom:


Row 1:  ?, Christine Borawski, Bill Collins, Barry Mangles, Steve Reenstra, Renee Wheller, Gerrie Himes?


Row 2: Susan Tabachuk, Jim Kedersha, Regina Paknis, Winnie Meyers, Teresa Wysocki, Larry Levine, Teresa Gattuso, Debbie Lloyd, Paul Perotta


Row 3:  Willie Marion, Nicholas Karnoutsos, Ken or Jim Falcon, __?__, Barbara Baker, Ellen Stettner, Barry Neuman

If you can help is fill in any of the blanks or correct a name, please contact:
Steve Reenstra
Thank you!


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