Rutherford High School Class of 1967

Lincoln School - Mrs. Long's 2nd Grade Class

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Mrs. Long's 2nd Grade Class
Photo submitted by Kathy (Krizovsky) Haggert

1st row, L to R:  Mary Margaret Powers, __?__, Allison Smith, __?__, Cindy __?__, Donald Moxsom??, Kristen Byorkland
2nd row:  Eddy __?__, Corneilia Van Winkle, __?__, Cathy Havens, __?__, Kathy Lanis, __?__
3rd row:  Sharon __?__, Marjorie McCully, __?__, Sharon Staples, Gerry Hines, Mary Lynn Hollman, Susan Lahulya, Jill Kinning
4th row:  Kathleen Krizovsky, Joanne Kinghorn, Jimmy Kinghorn, __?__, __?__, Janie Fontan, Patricia Stanley
If you can help identify your classmates pictured above, please contact:
Steve Reenstra
Thank you!


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